Last evening, about 25 people attended Fr. Jackson’s presentation as part of “Theology on Tap.” Fr. Jackson is assigned as the Catholic Chaplain in Smyrna, Delaware at the “Vaughn Correctional Center,” formerly know as Delaware Correctional Center (DCC).
After lots of questions and answers, I had the opportunity to say a few words about our prison ministry and ask the attendees to donate some of our books for the men at the prison. Each donation of $5 allowed an attendee to personally hand Father a book.
Fr. Jackson left with at least 11 of our books, including:
• Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul
• Serving Time, Serving Others
• Serving Productive Time
In May, “Church of the Holy Child” in North Wilmington, donated a box of 33 “Serving Productive Time” books to Fr. Jackson.
We also gave Fr. Jackson dozens of Christmas cards that were donated by several church groups in our area, including “Church of the Holy Child” and “Trinity Presbyterian Church” in North Wilmington.
The event last evening was held at:
Catherine Rooney's Irish Pub and Restaurant
1616 Delaware Avenue (Trolley Square)
Wilmington, Delaware