My recent trip to New Mexico was simply amazing. Jane Davis recommended me as a speaker for the prison volunteer's conference on April 17, 2010. Jane is a contributing author in "Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul" and "Serving Time, Serving Others." Although Jane and I connected about 1999, this was only the second time I saw Jane in person.
In between the conference and a prison visit, Jane brought me to her "One Heart Ranch" near Santa Fe. It's out in the middle of nowhere...truly God's land. Below are a few details about my trip, also documented at:
Penitentiary of New Mexico (PNM)
Santa Fe, New Mexico
17 April 2010
Tom presented a seminar for about 20 men and 6 staff (including the warden) in the evening inside the gym. Jane Davis of
HOPE-HOWSE (, who volunteers at PNM, arranged the event and also facilitated a guided meditation and deeply shared her thoughts with the group as part of the seminar.
“Wow! Sometimes one wishes the day never ends. This was one of those days!! Thank you, Tom, for sharing so much of yourself with so many. I am bursting with joy from such a wonderful day and evening. I, personally, was rejuvenated today and thank you for this fact. It is a blessing knowing people like you are in my life!! Thank you and bless you!!!”
Jane Davis
New Mexico Prison Volunteers’ Conference
Albuquerque, New Mexico
17 April 2010
Tom was the keynote speaker for this event for about 130 volunteers and staff at Grace Church. Our thanks to Jane Davis of HOPE-HOWSE for suggesting Tom to the organizing committee.
“You have touched my heart and soul with your presentation on how to get out of the ‘ruts’ and move on. This not only applies to those incarcerated but to all people of all walks of life.”
Shirley Compton, Blessings Unlimited
Retired Chaplain, New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility
Grants, New Mexico
"Thank you, Tom, for your inspiring day and vision. You touched so many hearts today from corrections’ volunteers, wardens, chaplains, and inmates. Come back soon."
Jane Davis